Whether your child is still in elementary school or just got their driver’s license, you don’t want your divorce to disrupt their educational future. If part of your financial planning for their college education has involved setting up a 529 college savings plan,...
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Asset Division
The crucial concern that divorcing homeowners often overlook
Many married couples in Massachusetts decide to buy real property together. They purchase a home and invest a substantial amount of their income toward mortgage payments and property upkeep. If couples that own homes together divorce, they usually need to address...
Why many people turn to collaboration or mediation during complex divorces
Complex divorces often involve spouses with significant income and a variety of shared assets. Some families have to address businesses or professional practices. Others may have real estate and investment holdings. Complex divorces may also involve requests for...
How much of a 401(k) or Roth IRA is at risk in a divorce?
Divorce is often a time of financial uncertainty. People know they have to divide their resources with their spouses and may worry about suffering major financial setbacks. Individuals generally must negotiate a property division settlement with their spouses or...
How undisclosed assets can impact a Massachusetts divorce
Married couples often spend years building wealth together. They invest in their marital home, set aside resources for retirement and acquire all different sorts of personal property. The more financially successful either spouse becomes, the more property they will...
Appeals Court’s new ruling highlights “unconscionable” prenups
Prenuptial agreements have long been used by people of considerable means to protect their wealth when marriages turn sour – but they’re increasingly being used by couples of even modest income levels in order to protect their entrepreneurial efforts, real estate...
2 important considerations when dividing debts during divorce
Debt can be as consequential to a marital estate as the most significant assets a couple shares. What they owe might lead to years of ongoing payments for both of them before they are truly free from the consequences of their unified financial decisions. Credit card...
Capital gains tax and asset transfers during divorce
During divorces involving significant and complex assets, spouses often transfer them between one another to achieve a fair property division agreement – and to walk away with the assets they most want. For example, maybe your soon-to-be-ex has agreed to give you the...
5 tips for selling your house in your divorce
Selling the family home is not the only option when getting divorced. But for many couples, it is the best choice. Even high-income individuals can struggle to afford the mortgage on a multi-million-dollar house. And selling can be the simplest way of splitting the...
What is a QDRO, and do you need one for your divorce?
Longer marriages tend to result in more complicated property division proceedings. If you have stayed married for more than a decade, you may own real estate and financial investments together with your spouse while also mutually owing funds on a shared credit card...